Business Leader: Achiever or Struggler?

A business leader in the first few years of business will be wearing many hats. It can be difficult to get the necessary work done. You may have difficulty knowing how to select work that moves your business toward profitability especially when it comes to brand building activity. The overwhelm of starting a new business may lead you to give in to “Context Switching.”
This is the nature of starting, owning and becoming a business leader. This is the conundrum. You either overcome, or you stay overwhelmed. I hear the struggles of many people wearily wearing themselves out trying to become a “successful” entrepreneur. There is another problem with running a business.
His name is Distraction. His cousin Procrastination trails behind too.
These sneaky business killers take on many shapes and forms. They look like a lack of focus time wasters. Examples include buffering or procrastination disguised as branding, social media management, answering questions from clients and employees. Not to mention if you work from home the interruptions by your family members or your kids.
You name it there are many forms of distractions creeping into business offices all over the world. Many of these are creeping into business offices all over the world.
Then we proclaim, I’m a master multi-tasker. I'm hustling!
Honestly, multi-tasking is overrated and makes me exhausted. There is a real viable resolution available that allows you to sky-rocket productivity if you try. Multi-tasking is eating up more time and energy than you can imagine. I will explain how you can change this in a minute.
We all have limited resources, limited time constraints. It is challenging knowing just what levers in your business to pull to gain momentum and positive results from your efforts. I know you do not have the time to waste on trying out multiple strategies that may or may not work. No one does.
My business coach, mentor, and friend Todd Herman is releasing his first video lesson in the free series. Previously he taught “Context Switching” in a way that helps us understand easily why we are losing a compounding tax on our time. We keep looping around and staying in an unfocused state while our time deficit keeps growing bigger and bigger and the ability to achieve the results we wan keep getting smaller and smaller. Our minds and hearts get railroaded from exhaustion to trying to be more productive.
What type of business leader are you? ACHIEVER or STRUGGLER?
It is important that we chart a course and then execute a plan to get us there. However, what process do you use and who do you trust that gets the results you are looking to achieve? When you use The 90 Day Year implementation process that my mentor Todd Herman teaches you will gain a high level of confidence. You will also build brand awareness momentum in your business because you are doing the RIGHT work on your business to achieve profitable growth.
READ: The 5 Stages of Business
Achieving your goals is as simple as working through your own plan using a method and structure like The 90 Day Year Program. Having a plan that works means that you can structure your business and your life the way you want. It is possible to create a business and life you love. It is possible to get your marketing initiatives off the ground, that you know would be game-changing. It is possible to bring on that new team member you have been thinking about for so long. It's possible if you work a plan that works for you.
To have the processes in place, to know that your business is streamlined and efficient will give you the freedom to make choices, and to decide how to build a business model that achieves your goals. That is what we desire right?
We crave the freedom to do things in life that matter to us.
To decide how much time you want to spend on your business versus in your business. To determine how much time you want to set aside to spend with your family versus other things in your life. If you do not have a plan that works you may be feeling the effects of not having a system in place. A plan that is choppy can make you feel disjointed leaving you with incomplete work. You may start to feel as though you are a slave to your own business. You might also be feeling like you are still an employee working a J.O.B. You may also suffer from beating yourself up that you are not good enough. Your regular complaint may be that you never get enough done in a day.
If you do not have a plan that works you may be feeling the effects of not having a system in place. A plan that is choppy can make you feel disjointed leaving you with incomplete work. You may start to feel as though you are a slave to your own business. You might also be feeling like you are still an employee working a J.O.B. You may also suffer from beating yourself up that you are not good enough. Your regular complaint may be that you never get enough done in a day.
Don’t fall into the trap of S.M.A.R.T. goals.
I always remind myself that my goal of owning a business is to own the business not let the business own me. I know you do not want to be a slave to your business. We become entrepreneurs because we want to experience the kind of freedom that a 9-to-5 does not allow. Have you lost sight of that yet? You can achieve your goals, and I recommend that you start here by watching this video to learn the actual cost that leaking time in your business is on reaching your business goals.
Do you feel like your life and your work is suffering because you can’t finish anything?
Can you truly tell if this or that works? Are you interrupted by your brain, ideas, thoughts and the world of other daily distractions in your business? I know the answer is yes because I have been there too. If you are bouncing around from thing to thing, a project to project, task to task you may be context switching and losing valuable time and dollars in your business.
Dear business owner, I am a student, friend, and affiliate for Todd Herman's 90 Day Year implementation program. I do receive a small commission as a thank you from Todd for recommending his program to smart business leaders like you.